Danogo Staking Bond
First, Let's connect your wallet!
Step 1: Navigate to the Borrow menu. Click on the Borrow ADA button
Step 2: Configure the loan settings.
The parameters that need configuration are
Borrow Interest Rate
Premium duration
Note: Note: Danogo will automatically calculate the premium amount (The initial interest amount that the borrower has to pay)
Click Create Button
Step 3: Sign the transaction on your wallet
After the transaction is completed, you will immediately receive Danogo Bond Borrow Token. This token is represented for your loan.
The borrow request will be displayed on the Borrow screen
First, Let's connect your wallet!
You can provide liquidity in 2 ways:
The first method is by creating a buy order (BID) with Bond type = Danogo Staking Bond.
The second method is buying Danogo Staking Bond at the market price.
Create a buy order : for details see the Danogo Dex guide
Buy at market price: If you buy directly from the bond issuer, you don’t have to pay an order processing fee to Danogo For more detail, see Danogo Dex Guide
First, Let's connect your wallet!
Step 1: Navigate to the URL https://app.danogo.io/bond
Step 2: Click on the Borrow Request on the right column
Both Borrow Request and Listed Bonds are displayed in this column
The differences between lending to a borrow request and buying a listed bond are:
For new Issuance the min volume is 10 bond tokens
For new Issuance : Service fees are free
Step 3: On Buy screen, input the number of bond tokens, click Buy
Step 4: Sign the transaction on your wallet
First, Let's connect your wallet!
Step 1: Navigate to the My Account screen(by clicking on the account balance in the top right corner of the screen or the My Account menu), then go to tab My Bonds
Step 2: Click on the Gift Button (This button is only shown when the bond is closable)
Step 3: On Redeem screen, click Redeem
Step 4: Sign the transaction on your wallet