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How to buy a Bond?

Let's connect your wallet to the exchange!

You can buy at market price or buy at your desired price

1. Buy at market price

Immediately buy Bonds from the Sell Orders on the exchange.

Step 1: Browse the list of available Sell orders on the exchange to find any attractive Yield Bids. A higher yield is good for the buyer -> Click on Ask Yield or Ask Volume of the "Ask" you want to purchase.

Note: This is NOT the Bond interest rate. This is the interest rate at which you are willing to buy the Bond. The higher the trading yield, the less ADA the buyer will pay!

Step 2: Set the amount you want to buy

  • Danogo will automatically calculate the Bond price based on the desired Yield of the seller.

  • Click on the Buy button.

Step 3: Sign transaction on your Wallet.

Launch Testnet

Launch Testnet

